Founded in 2019 under the registered company name USAF Trading ltd (Company Reg No. 12650052). We have stores in Bradford and Manchester and is open for customers to visit and try our equipment.

Stores Addresses:


Park View Mills USAF Traders Raymond Street BD5 8DT


CHADDERTON MILL, Sun Chaddeton news, 286 Fields New Road OL9 8PD Oldham

What We Offer

My Fitness Junction offers best quality and high-end cardio and strength equipment at most affordable prices and have wide range of exercise equipment to fulfil your fitness needs at home or for setting up a gym. We are well versed and experienced in the product we sell, ensuring we can offer you the best advice when purchasing your fitness equipment according to your need. One of the best qualities which make us standout among our competitors is our low prices, we offer almost 50% price cute on all our equipment from the market. We got our main storage facility in Bradford and got a store in Manchester for customers to view and test our equipment. Due to our massive buying power, we can also offer our customers huge discounts on exclusive lines, which you will not find anywhere else in the UK.

Our range of home and commercial fitness equipment is practically unrivalled:TreadmillsElliptical Cross TrainersExercise BikesRowing MachinesBoxing EquipmentMulti GymsWeightsDumbbells and Kettlebells, and much more! You can be assured that we offer the best possible prices on all our fitness equipment with delivery across the UK in the fastest possible time. Visit our stores in Bradford and Manchester, packed with all of the latest fitness and gym equipment for you to try and take away - or call in to one of our other nationwide stores.